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Flight Disruption Expected Due To Typhoon Ampil

Writer's picture: Bangau SoulBangau Soul

Due to Typhoon Ampil, affecting Japan, flight delays and possible cancellations are expected. Passengers flying from, to, or through the affected airports are advised to check flight status in advance.

Affected Airports:

Tokyo Haneda International Airport

Akibat Badai Ampil, yang melanda Jepang, penundaan penerbangan dan kemungkinan pembatalan diperkirakan terjadi.

Penumpang yang terbang dari, ke, atau melalui bandara yang terpengaruh disarankan untuk cek status penerbangan terlebih dahulu.

Bandara Terpengaruh:

Bandar Udara Internasional Tokyo


ⓒ 2024 Bangau Soul


A Family of 

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Notice: This is Robloxian Airline based on Roblox Game called Pilot Training Flight Simulator. We do not have any connection with real-life SkyTeam or any other real-life companies.

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